How Does Roland Die?

Roland dies just like a true Christian knight should – praying with his sword in his hands on the battlefield. Even though the enemies do not kill him, the scene of his death is pictured in a way to uplift his loyalty and chivalry. In fact, the mighty blow in the horn gives him a deadly injury.

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In The Song of Roland’s plot, the focus is on religion and chivalry, so, understandably, the scene with the main hero dying seems so dramatic. Roland, the emperor’s right hand and nephew, decides to stay behind and lead the rear guard. It allows Charlemayn and the rest of his army to pass the mountain range and get home safely. However, neither of them knows that Roland’s stepfather is a traitor. He joined forces with the Saracens behind their back and convinced them to attack Roland and his warriors. Ganelon hoped that it would make Charlemayn more vulnerable.

Even though Roland realizes that they are outnumbered, he refuses to call for help because of his pride and stubbornness. It is probably the first mistake he makes that leads to his death. Only when the French soldiers are in a fatal situation, Roland blows Oliphant as hard as possible so that Charlemayn hears him. However, it causes some internal injury, and his ears start bleeding. Later, when none of his friends is alive, and the Saracens leave the field, Roland feels like the life force is leaving his body. He starts praying and lays down, gripping on his sword. God hears him and sends the angels to take Roland to Paradise.

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